Traffic signal phasing will be adjusted for vehicles travelling to and from Aura Blvd to Banya Ave from 8 October.
Stockland is working with the Sunshine Coast Council to enhance traffic signal phasing in the community.
This initiative is expected to be completed within the same week and will adjust signal timings to allow for increased green light duration.
Other intersections are under review with the council, and further enhancements will follow once approved.
Banya resident Sarina Louise called for red light cameras at every stop to put an end to reckless driving behaviour throughout Aura.
She narrowly escaped being struck by a speeding ute running the red light at Banya Avenue and Western Drive on Wednesday 2 October while walking with her baby in the pram.
Sabrina said she had a green walking signal when the ute flew through the intersection.
“Thankfully I didn’t step out, I always look, but kids might not look,” Sabrina said.
“Police don’t want to know as they just say, oh, unless you’ve been hit, we can’t do anything.”
“I think they should add some red-light cameras at every set of lights – it might stop people running them.”